Ours services.

General Interpreting

We have friendly people ready to help with employment, education, family matters, public events, conferences, business, broadcasting, video recording, and everything else.

Video Conferencing

We are developing world-leading technology in video communication so you can take your interpreter with you in your laptop! Back at base, we see and hear everything and interpret direct to your screen.

Crown Agencies

Generally, government departments and crown agencies are expected by government to provide qualified interpreters for Deaf people in accordance with the NZSL Act 2006 and the UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities to which New Zealand is a signatory. This covers the likes of WINZ, ACC, IRD, Justice & Corrections, Housing New Zealand, etc.

Filming & Translation

Want your message broadcasted to reach a wider audience in New Zealand Sign Language? We have a green screen filming studio, Deaf and hearing talent to help cater for your needs. Contact us for a quote.

Specialist Interpreting

We have skilled experienced interpreters for legal, medical, and technical communication. This is a premium service for when you need to avoid confusion. We will match the interpreter to your needs. Contact us to discuss the job in detail.

Services to Interpreters

We provide administrative, accounting, and training support to our interpreters, as well as managing their bookings and workload. This allows them to focus on what they do well. We look after our interpreters, which is why we get the best interpreters!

Health Care

Depending on which DHB region you live in, there are different provisions. Hospitals usually provide interpreters for appointments if they know in time that one is required. In some DHB regions, you can have the interpreter at GP appointments and your DHB will pick up the tab.

Tertiary Disabilities Office

Registered at University and would like to access your lecturers through a sign language interpreter? Contact us and we can liaise with your universities disabilities office to see what we can arrange for you.


We train hearing customers on how to work with deaf people. If you are interested, please contact us to talk about what you need. If you or your staff will be regular users, we offer this as a free service.

Support Funds Employment (workbridge)

If you or your employee are Deaf, you may be eligible for support funding that will allow you to participate in your workplace. For more information or to apply, click on the link below to access the MSD Support funds website. The Support Funds team will let you know in writing if your application is successful. You can see their criteria and funding descriptions and also how to apply for ‘Job Support’ on their website. The Deaf person will need to have their support funds approved before they can book interpreters. Note: Approval should be confirmed by Support Funds prior to booking interpreters with WordsWorth, otherwise the person may be billed for services provided or cancelled.

Public Events

Would you like to host a public event that is accessible to the Deaf community? Contact WordsWorth! We are happy to provide you with a competitive quote for the cost of booking an interpreter.


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